Log in with your Microsoft developer account, and on the topmost left side, click on the app launcher. Here, you’ll see the power automate (labelled 2). Once you click on this, you’ll be directed to the power automate environment.
On the left side of your environment, you’ll see Create (+). click on it and this will direct you to a set of available templates. For this exercise, we’ll be using the “Get the daily weather forecast for your city” template, and you can see this by just typing weather in your search button.
You should be directed to this template but make sure you connect to the MSN weather and notifications as seen below, then click continue.
Below is the three stages you’ll be directed to. Arranged accordingly. Fill them appropriately using the format below. For the Recurrence operation box, click on show advanced options this will expand the box, then you can fill the boxes using the format below.
For Get forecast, select your location but for the unit, advisably, use metric. This is because the metricsystem is easy to use and it converts between units.
Now, there is a new development and this is that in this flow, we do not want to receive a notification on phone. Instead we want the weather report to drop directly in our mailbox therefore, we have to delete the notification dialogue. Before we do this however, we need to click on the + button leading to the notification to insert a new step, then select add an action.
Search for send an email and use send an email (V2)
Now you have a new step. enter the email you’d like the weather report to be sent to. Copy the subject and body from the “notification step” and make some changes in the body. remove all html formats seen e.g <h2>, </h2>, </strong>.
Still under the send an email (V2) step, below this step, click on show advanced options, scroll down and change the importance to Normal.
Save this and test your flow
You’ll receive another prompt to run the flow. After running the flow, you should receive something as seen below
Take a deep breathe, all you have left now is to check your mailbox to see if the weather report dropped. breathe in. in.. in… lol, don’t commit suicide. If you followed all the steps above, then you have something as shown below, or even better.
Ladies and gentlemen, you just completed your IDAN moment. with this flow, every 21:00, you’ll be receiving a weather report.
See you in the next tutorial session.